State Owned Enterprises – SOE
Our latest database was launched in autumn 2019. As with our other databases it has been built to fulfil specific regulatory requirements and can be implemented in a customised compliance process.
Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) is high on the agenda of international organisations such as the UN, the OECD and the World Bank; numerous studies have highlighted the risks of corruption and other irregular practices in relation to State Owned Enterprises. A more vigilant approach in doing business with SOEs has been the result of increased awareness of the risk of unlawful behaviour in or around SOEs in certain countries.
Curated Information
The extensive global SOE database is an essential tool for a strong know your partner (KYP) / know your customer (KYC) process and for mitigating these compliance risks. It covers the following SOEs, entities, categories and information:
- Enterprises where the state has control through full, majority, or significant minority ownership
- State entities
- Regional and local SOEs (selected countries)
Additional entities of interest that are also available:
- Affiliates to SOEs and controlled entities
- Central or National Banks
- International organisations
The SOE Database has the following features:
- Names, alternative names and original script (Mandarin, Cyrillic, etc.)
- Identification data: address, registration number, tax ID
- Classification by type of entity, sector, country
- Optimized for compliance and legal requirements, in line with categories listed in the regulations
- Global coverage
- Unitary structure and language (English)
- Cost-efficient automatic screening for large numbers of names
- Optimization of name matching and compliance process
- Minimization of false positives
- No rumors and doubtful information
- Official and reliable sources, no irrelevant data
- Customer friendly and flexible delivery
Mostly official sources, governments and ministries, national lists of SOEs and state entities, official company websites.